B524RB(A) and B224RB(A) Plug-in
A Division of Pittway
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
Relay Detector Bases
For use with the following models:
B524RB: For use with any 500 Series detector
B224RB: For use with any 200 Series detector
Base Diameter:
Base Height
6.2 inches (157 mm)
1.2 inches (31 mm)
1.4 inches (36 mm)
4-inch square box with or without plaster ring, Min Depth - 1.5 inches (13 mm)
4-inch octagon box, Min. depth - 1.5 inches (13 mm)
31/2-inch octagon box, Min. depth - 1.5 inches (13 mm)
0° to 49°C (32° to 120°F)
Operating Temperature Range:
Operating Humidity Range:
Electrical Ratings
10% to 93% Relative Humidity (Non-condensing)
Operating Voltage:
15 to 28 VDC
Time Averaged Standby Ratings: <500 µA @ 24 VDC
Relay Characteristics
2 coil latching
1 Form C
Contact Type:
Contact Relay
2 A @ 30 VDC
0.3 A @ 110 VDC (with .35 PF or greater)
0.3 A @ 120 VAC (with .35 PF or greater)
1.0 A @ 30 VDC (with .6 PF or greater)
4 seconds minimum, 20 seconds maximum
1 second minimum, 8 seconds maximum
Set Time:
Reset Time:
Before Installing
General Information
Please thoroughly read the system wiring and installation Form C latching relay contacts are included for the control
manuals, and manual I56-407, Guide for Proper Use of Sys- of an auxiliary function. The relay operates 12 seconds
tem Smoke Detectors, which provides detailed information (nominally) after activation of the sensor head remote an-
on detector spacing, placement, zoning, and special appli- nunciator output.
cations. Copies of these manuals are available at no charge
from System Sensor. (For installation in Canada, refer to Mounting
CAN/ULC-S524, Standard for the Installation for Fire Alarm The detector base mounts directly to 31/2- and 4-inch oc-
Systems and CEC Part 1, Sec. 32.)
tagon and 4-inch square boxes, with or without a plaster
NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user
of this equipment.
To mount, remove the decorative ring by rotating it in ei-
ther direction to unhook the snaps. Then, separate the ring
IMPORTANT: The detector used with these bases must be from the base. Install the base on the box, using the screws
tested and maintained regularly following NFPA 72 require- supplied with the junction box and the appropriate slots in
ments. The detectors should be cleaned at least once a year. the base. Replace the decorative ring on the base and ro-
tate it in either direction until the ring snaps in place (see
Figure 1).
Figure 2. Wiring diagram:
A label is affixed to the base for recording the zone, ad- To activate this feature, break the tab from the detector
dress, and type of detector being installed at the base loca- base as shown in Figure 3A (see page 4). Then, install the
tion. This information is useful for setting the detector head detector.
address and for verification of the sensor type required for
that location.
To remove the detector from the base once the tamper-re-
sist feature has been activated, insert a small-bladed screw-
Once all detector bases have been wired and mounted, and driver into the slot in the side of the base and push the
the loop wiring has been checked, the detector heads may plastic lever away from the detector head (see Figure 3B,
be installed in the bases.
page 4). This allows the detector to be rotated counter-
clockwise for removal.
Tamper-resist Feature
NOTE: Head removal after the tamper-resist feature has
been activated first requires removal of the decora-
tive ring.
NOTE: Do not use the tamper-resist feature if the removal
tool is to be used.
This detector base includes a tamper-resist feature that pre- The tamper-resist feature can be defeated by breaking and
vents its removal from the base without the use of a tool.
removing the plastic lever from the base. However, this pre-
vents the feature from being used again.
Figure 3A. Activating the tamper-resist feature:
Figure 3B. Removing the detector head from the
The Limitations of Property Protection Smoke Detectors
The smoke detector used with this base is designed to activate and ini-
tiate emergency action, but will do so only when it is used in conjunction
with an authorized fire alarm system. This detector must be installed in
accordance with NFPA standard 72.
smoldering type. This is to ensure that both can detect a wide range of
types of fires. Ionization detectors offer a broad range of fire sensing capa-
bility but they are somewhat better at detecting fast flaming fires than
slow smoldering fires. Photoelectric detectors sense smoldering fires better
than flaming fires which have little, if any, visible smoke. Because fires de-
velop in different ways and are often unpredictable in their growth, nei-
ther type of detector is always best, and a given detector may not always
provide early warning of a specific type of fire.
Smoke detectors will not work without power. AC or DC powered
smoke detectors will not work if the power supply is cut off.
Smoke detectors will not sense fires which start where smoke does not
reach the detectors. Smoldering fires typically do not generate a lot of
heat which is needed to drive the smoke up to the ceiling where the
smoke detector is usually located. For this reason, there may be large de-
lays in detecting a smoldering fire with either an ionization type detector
or a photoelectric type detector. Either one of them may alarm only after
flaming has initiated which will generate the heat needed to drive the
smoke to the ceiling.
In general, detectors cannot be expected to provide warnings for fires re-
sulting from inadequate fire protection practices, violent explosions, es-
caping gases which ignite, improper storage of flammable liquids like
cleaning solvents which ignite, other similar safety hazards, arson, smok-
ing in bed, children playing with matches or lighters, etc. Smoke detectors
used in high air velocity conditions may have a delay in alarm due to dilu-
tion of smoke densities created by frequent and rapid air exchanges. Addi-
tionally, high air velocity environments may create increased dust
contamination, demanding more frequent maintenance.
Smoke from fires in chimneys, in walls, on roofs or on the other side of a
closed door(s) may not reach the smoke detector and alarm it. A detector
cannot detect a fire developing on another level of a building quickly or at
all. For these reasons, detectors shall be located on every level and in
every bedroom within a building.
Smoke detectors cannot last forever. Smoke detectors contain electronic
parts. Even though smoke detectors are made to last over 10 years, any
part can fail at any time. Therefore, smoke detectors shall be replaced after
being in service for 10 years. The smoke detector system that this detector
is used in must be tested regularly per NFPA 72. This smoke detector
should be cleaned regularly per NFPA 72 or at least once a year.
Smoke detectors have sensing limitations, too. Ionization detectors and
photoelectric detectors are required to pass fire tests of the flaming and
Three-Year Limited Warranty
System Sensor warrants its enclosed smoke detector base to be free from
defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a
period of three years from date of manufacture. System Sensor makes no
other express warranty for this smoke detector base. No agent, representa-
tive, dealer, or employee of the Company has the authority to increase or
alter the obligations or limitations of this Warranty. The Company’s obli-
gation of this Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of any
part of the smoke detector base which is found to be defective in materials
or workmanship under normal use and service during the three year pe-
riod commencing with the date of manufacture. After phoning System
Sensor’s toll free number 800-SENSOR2 (736-7672) for a Return Authori-
zation number, send defective units postage prepaid to: System Sensor,
Repair Department, RA #__________, 3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, IL
60174. Please include a note describing the malfunction and suspected
cause of failure. The Company shall not be obligated to repair or replace
units which are found to be defective because of damage, unreasonable
use, modifications, or alterations occurring after the date of manufacture.
In no case shall the Company be liable for any consequential or incidental
damages for breach of this or any other Warranty, expressed or implied
whatsoever, even if the loss or damage is caused by the Company’s negli-
gence or fault. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of inci-
dental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may
not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you
may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
© System Sensor 1998
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