SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
New Features in SonicOS
Known Issues..........................................................................................................................................................4
Platform Compatibility
The SonicOS release is supported on the following SonicWALL Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) security
SonicWALL NSA 250M / 250M Wireless
SonicWALL NSA 220 / 220 Wireless
The SonicWALL WAN Acceleration Appliance Series (WXA 500 Live CD, WXA 2000 appliance, WXA 4000
appliance, WXA 5000 Virtual Appliance) are also supported for use with NSA appliances running The
minimum recommended Firmware version for WXA Series is 1.0.12.
Browser Support
SonicOS with Visualization uses advanced browser technologies such as HTML5, which are supported in most
recent browsers. SonicWALL recommends using the latest Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari browsers
for administration of SonicOS.
This release supports the following Web browsers:
Chrome 11.0 and higher (recommended browser for dashboard real-time graphics display)
Firefox 4.0 and higher
Internet Explorer 8.0 and higher (do not use compatibility mode)
Safari 5.0 and higher
Mobile device browsers are not recommended for SonicWALL appliance system administration.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Supported Features by Appliance Model
The following table lists the key features in the SonicOS 5.8.0.x,, releases, and which are supported
on the SonicWALL NSA 220 and 250M series appliances.
Features Supported on
Features Not Supported on
NSA 220 and NSA 250M Series
NSA 220 and NSA 250M Series
Link Aggregation
Port Redundancy
Wire Mode
NSA Modules (supported only on NSA 250M Series)
Wireless Client Bridge Support
App Flow Monitor
Real-Time Monitor
Top Global Malware
Log Monitor
Connection Monitor
Packet Monitor
Log > Flow Reporting
App Control Advanced
App Rules
Cloud GAV
NTP Auth Type
CFS Enhancements
IPFIX & NetFlow Reporting
SonicPoint VAPs
CASS 2.0
Enhanced Connection Limit
Dynamic WAN Scheduling
Browser NTLM Auth
SSO Import from LDAP
SSL VPN NetExtender Update
DHCP Scalability Enhancements
SIP Application Layer Gateway Enhancements
SonicPoint-N DR
Accept Multiple Proposals for Clients
WAN Acceleration Support
App Control Policy Configuration via App Flow Monitor
Global BWM Ease of Use Enhancements
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Features Supported on
Features Not Supported on
NSA 220 and NSA 250M Series
NSA 220 and NSA 250M Series
Application Usage and Risk Report
Geo-IP Filtering and Botnet Command & Control Filtering
Customizable Login Page
LDAP Primary Group Attribute
Preservation of Anti-Virus Exclusions After Upgrade
Management Traffic Only Option for Network Interfaces
Current Users and Detail of Users Options for TSR
User Monitor Tool
Auto-Configuration of URLs to Bypass User Authentication
Known Issues
This section contains a list of known issues in the SonicOS release.
Application Control
Condition / Workaround
App Control advanced signatures are applied to Occurs when enabling the App Control service on 107296
traffic from and to the VPN zone, rather than the the WAN zone, and then enabling the logging or
WAN zone only.
blocking action for any signature. After traffic is
generated from the LAN to the VPN, the App
control signatures are applied to VPN traffic.
App rules remain in effect even when disabled
Occurs when the Enable App Rules checkbox is
cleared to disable these policies globally, then an
app rule is created. When traffic on the WAN
interface matches the rule, the configured policy
action is applied.
Related traffic configured in an application rule
is blocked even though the Enable App Rules
checkbox is not selected.
Occurs when an application rule is created using
Create Rule on the App Flow Monitor page and
the Enable App Rules checkbox is not selected,
which is the factory default setting. The app rule is
created and functions properly, even though the
Enable App Rules checkbox is disabled.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Bandwidth Management
Condition / Workaround
Traffic is dropped when the ingress or egress
Occurs when modifying the ingress or egress
values for an interface are modified and traffic is interface values while the interface is passing
passing through that interface.
Workaround: Stop traffic on the interface, and
then modify the values.
Bandwidth management application rules are
sometimes mapped to the wrong global BWM
priority queue.
Occurs when creating a bandwidth management
rule on the App Flow Monitor page and setting
the priority to High. The App Flow Monitor page
displays the created rule with a Medium priority
setting, even though High was selected.
Condition / Workaround
The Botnet Service is incorrectly listed on the
Security Services > Summary page and the
System > Status page of the SonicWALL TZ
Botnet Command & Control Filtering is not
supported on the SonicWALL TZ 100 and TZ 200
series appliances (as also reflected in the
200 wireless appliance, even though the service Supported Features by Appliance Model table of
is not supported on this platform.
the Release Notes). The Botnet service listing
indicating 'Not Licensed' on the System > Status
page should be ignored.
An iPad client fails to connect to the L2TP
Occurs when GroupVPN is enabled and
server if MSCHAPv2 authentication is set as the configured for an L2TP. The iPad can successfully
first order authentication method.
connect if PAP authentication is set as the first
order authentication method, but fails if
MSCHAPv2 is prefered. A Windows XP client can
succesfully connect using MSCHAPv2.
Workaround: Move MSCHAPv2 to the bottom of
the authentication protocol list (by clicking on the
Down Arrow button).
Occurs when navigating to the Security Services
> Geo-IP & Botnet Filter page and enabling the
“Block connections to/from Botnet Command and
Control Systems” option. For example, when
trying to view the web site, the site is
blocked even though it is not considered a Botnet
The error message “This request is blocked by
the sonicwall gateway botnet service. Botnet
Responder IP:" is displayed.
Occurs when enabling the checkbox for Block All
Connections to/from Following Countries,
selecting all countries, and entering DNS Servers
into the Exclusion Object. When a web page is
accessed and the packet monitor is used to
capture packets, you can see that all DNS query
packets are dropped by the Geo-IP filter.
The Geo-IP and Botnet Exclusion Objects do
not take effect, causing DNS query packets to
be incorrectly dropped.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
High Availability
Condition / Workaround
With Active/Passive High Availability enabled
with probing, and the primary WAN interface
configured with a redundant port, the primary
WAN interface and all routes to this subnet are
marked as down when the primary port stops
Occurs when HA is enabled with probing and the
primary WAN interface is configured with a
redundant port. If the link for the active port goes
down, Load Balancing (enabled by default) will
change the status of the primary WAN interface to
“Failover”. All routes to the primary WAN subnet
will be marked as down and traffic destined to the
subnet will fail. However, traffic will still succeed to
any destination that is on the far side of the
default gateway of the primary WAN interface, by
using the redundant port. Workaround: Disable
Load Balancing or HA probing.
Condition / Workaround
The LAN Bypass module’s Bypass Status LED
indicates that bypass mode is active during the
Occurs when configuring an SFP module in Layer 108416
2 Bridge Mode, then replacing it with a LAN
boot process, then changes to the normal mode Bypass module.
in which bypass is ready, but not active.
The ADSL card cannot connect in DHCP mode. Occurs when configuring an ADSL card with the
WAN in DHCP mode. The Status mode, Point-to-
Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), and Layer 2
Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) do not work with this
Condition / Workaround
On the X1 interface, 1Gbps traffic sometimes
does not reach the WAN. After configuring the
link speed, the link status displays the
previously configured speed.
Occurs when passing traffic through the X1
interface with a 1Gbps switch and forcing the X1
interface’s link speed to 1000Mbps or 100Mbps.
Workaround: Configure the SonicOS to
auto-negotiate link speed.
Configuring more than one remote appliance
Occurs when an additional remote appliance is
with a tunnel interface and OSPF could result in configured with a tunnel interface and OSPF is
dropped routes. enabled.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Condition / Workaround
The MO/M1 status LED does not indicate the
presence of a module.
Occurs when inserting a module into the
appliance and booting the system. The M0/M1
status LED should be on when a valid module is
detected in the slot and blink if a module is
present but not supported.
The system preferences do not import correctly. Occurs when importing preferences from a
The LAN IP address is changed to and the user cannot log in.
TZ 200 appliance into a NSA 250M appliance,
then performing a restarting.
Condition / Workaround
The NetFlow EndTime timestamp results in
0.00000 for valid and allowed TCP packets.
Occurs when the NetFlow collector’s logging is
enabled on Applicable Interfaces and Rules, and
TCP traffic is sent to the allowed destination. Upon
checking the packet capture details, the EndTime
timestamp displays as 0.00000.
Condition / Workaround
Sometimes, the secondary IPSec gateway is
unable to establish a tunnel with a peer if the
primary gateway is unreachable.
Occurs when there are two SonicWALL devices
with VPN configured and the cable from the
secondary gateway is unplugged.
Having multiple tunnel interface policies with the Occurs when there are two or more tunnel
same IPSec gateway but different ports
configured on the firewall can cause only one
tunnel to be active.
interface policies using the same IPSec gateway
and those interfaces are bound to different ports.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Upgrading SonicOS Image Procedures
The following procedures are for upgrading an existing SonicOS image to a newer version:
Saving a Backup Copy of Your Configuration Preferences.......................................................................................8
Upgrading a SonicOS Image with Current Preferences............................................................................................9
Importing Preferences to SonicOS 5.8.....................................................................................................................9
Importing Preferences from SonicOS Standard to SonicOS 5.8 Enhanced.............................................................10
Upgrading a SonicOS Image with Factory Defaults................................................................................................12
Obtaining the Latest SonicOS Image Version
To obtain a new SonicOS firmware image file for your SonicWALL security appliance:
2. Copy the new SonicOS image file to a directory on your management station.
You can update the SonicOS image on a SonicWALL security appliance remotely if the LAN interface or the WAN
interface is configured for management access.
Saving a Backup Copy of Your Configuration Preferences
Before beginning the update process, make a system backup of your SonicWALL security appliance configuration
settings. The backup feature saves a copy of your current configuration settings on your SonicWALL security
appliance, protecting all your existing settings in the event that it becomes necessary to return to a previous
configuration state.
In addition to using the backup feature to save your current configuration settings to the SonicWALL security
appliance, you can export the configuration preferences file to a directory on your local management station. This
file serves as an external backup of the configuration preferences, and can be imported back into the SonicWALL
security appliance.
Perform the following steps to save a backup of your configuration settings and export them to a file on your local
management station:
1. On the System > Settings page, click Create Backup. Your configuration preferences are saved. The
System Backup entry is displayed in the Firmware Management table.
2. To export your settings to a local file, click Export Settings. A popup window displays the name of the
saved file.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Upgrading a SonicOS Image with Current Preferences
Perform the following steps to upload new firmware to your SonicWALL appliance and use your current
configuration settings upon startup:
1. Download the SonicOS firmware image file from and save it to a location on your local
2. On the System > Settings page, click Upload New Firmware.
3. Browse to the location where you saved the SonicOS firmware image file, select the file, and click Upload.
4. On the System > Settings page, click the Boot icon in the row for Uploaded Firmware.
5. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK. The SonicWALL restarts and then displays the login page.
6. Enter your user name and password. Your new SonicOS image version information is listed on the
System > Settings page.
Importing Preferences to SonicOS 5.8
Preferences importing to the SonicWALL UTM appliances is generally supported from the following SonicWALL
appliances running SonicOS:
• NSA Series
• NSA E-Class Series
• TZ 210/200/100/190/180/170 Series
• PRO Series
There are certain exceptions to preferences importing on these appliances running the SonicOS 5.8 release.
Preferences cannot be imported in the following cases:
• Settings files containing Portshield interfaces created prior to SonicOS 5.x
• Settings files containing VLAN interfaces are not accepted by the TZ 100/200 Series firewalls
• Settings files from a PRO 5060 with optical fiber interfaces where VLAN interfaces have been created
Full support for preferences importing from these appliances is targeted for a future release. At that time, you will
need to upgrade your firmware to the latest SonicOS maintenance release available on MySonicWALL.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Importing Preferences from SonicOS Standard to SonicOS 5.8 Enhanced
The SonicOS Standard to Enhanced Settings Converter is designed to convert a source Standard Network Settings
file to be compatible with a target SonicOS Enhanced appliance. Due to the more advanced nature of SonicOS
Enhanced, its Network Settings file is more complex than the one SonicOS Standard uses. They are not
compatible. The Settings Converter creates an entirely new target Enhanced Network Settings file based on the
network settings found in the source Standard file. This allows for a rapid upgrade from a Standard deployment to
an Enhanced one with no time wasted in re-creating network policies. Note: SonicWALL recommends deploying the
converted target Network Settings file in a testing environment first and always keeping a backup copy of the
original source Network Settings file.
The SonicOS Standard to Enhanced Settings Converter is available at:
If the preferences conversion fails, email your SonicOS Standard configuration file to with a short description of the problem. In this case, you may also consider
manually configuring your SonicWALL appliance.
To convert a Standard Network Settings file to an Enhanced one:
1. Log in to the management interface of your SonicOS Standard appliance, navigate to System > Settings,
and save your network settings to a file on your management computer.
3. Click the Settings Converter button.
4. Log in using your MySonicWALL credentials and agree to the security statement.
The source Standard Network Setting file must be uploaded to MySonicWALL as part of the conversion
process. The Setting Conversion tool uses MySonicWALL authentication to secure private network settings.
Users should be aware that SonicWALL will retain a copy of their network settings after the conversion
process is complete.
5. Upload the source Standard Network Settings file:
Click Browse.
Navigate to and select the source SonicOS Standard Settings file.
Click Upload.
Click the right arrow to proceed.
6. Review the source SonicOS Standard Settings Summary page.
This page displays useful network settings information contained in the uploaded source Network Settings
file. For testing purposes, the LAN IP and subnet mask of the appliance can be changed on this page in
order to deploy it in a testing environment.
(Optional) Change the LAN IP address and subnet mask of the source appliance to that of the
target appliance.
Click the right arrow to proceed.
7. Select the target SonicWALL appliance for the Enhanced deployment from the available list.
SonicOS Enhanced is configured differently on various SonicWALL appliances, mostly to support different
interface numbers. As such, the converted Enhanced Network Settings file must be customized to the
appliance targeted for deployment.
8. Complete the conversion by clicking the right arrow to proceed.
9. Optionally click the Warnings link to view any differences in the settings created for the target appliance.
10. Click the Download button, select Save to Disk, and click OK to save the new target SonicOS Enhanced
Network Settings file to your management computer.
11. Log in to the management interface for your SonicWALL appliance.
12. Navigate to System > Settings, and click the Import Settings button to import the converted settings to
your appliance.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Upgrading a SonicOS Image with Factory Defaults
Perform the following steps to upload new firmware to your SonicWALL appliance and start it up using the default
1. Download the SonicOS firmware image file from and save it to a location on your local
2. On the System > Settings page, click Create Backup.
3. Click Upload New Firmware.
4. Browse to the location where you saved the SonicOS firmware image file, select the file, and click Upload.
5. On the System > Settings page, click the Boot icon in the row for Uploaded Firmware with Factory
Default Settings.
6. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK. The SonicWALL restarts and then displays the Setup Wizard, with
a link to the login page.
7. Enter the default user name and password (admin / password) to access the SonicWALL management
Using SafeMode to Upgrade Firmware
The SafeMode procedure uses a reset button in a small pinhole, whose location varies: on the NSA models, the
button is near the USB ports on the front; on the TZ models, the button is next to the power cord on the back. If you
are unable to connect to the SonicWALL security appliance’s management interface, you can restart the
SonicWALL security appliance in SafeMode. The SafeMode feature allows you to quickly recover from uncertain
configuration states with a simplified management interface that includes the same settings available on the
System > Settings page.
To use SafeMode to upgrade firmware on the SonicWALL security appliance, perform the following steps:
1. Connect your computer to the X0 port on the SonicWALL appliance and configure your IP address with an
address on the subnet, such as
2. Do one of the following to restart the appliance in SafeMode:
Use a narrow, straight object, like a straightened paper clip or a toothpick, to press and hold the reset
button on the front of the security appliance for more than 20 seconds.
Use the LCD control buttons on the front bezel to set the appliance to Safe Mode. Once selected, the
LCD displays a confirmation prompt. Select Y and press the Right button to confirm. The SonicWALL
security appliance changes to SafeMode.
The Test light starts blinking when the SonicWALL security appliance has rebooted into SafeMode.
Note: Holding the reset button for two seconds will send a diagnostic snapshot to the console. Holding the
reset button for six to eight seconds will reboot the appliance in regular mode.
3. Point the Web browser on your computer to The SafeMode management interface
4. If you have made any configuration changes to the security appliance, select the Create Backup On Next
Boot checkbox to make a backup copy of your current settings. Your settings will be saved when the
appliance restarts.
5. Click Upload New Firmware, and then browse to the location where you saved the SonicOS firmware
image, select the file, and click Upload.
6. Select the boot icon in the row for one of the following:
Uploaded Firmware – New!
Use this option to restart the appliance with your current configuration settings.
Uploaded Firmware with Factory Defaults – New!
Use this option to restart the appliance with default configuration settings.
7. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK to proceed.
8. After successfully booting the firmware, the login screen is displayed. If you booted with factory default
settings, enter the default user name and password (admin / password) to access the SonicWALL
management interface.
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
Related Technical Documentation
SonicWALL user guides and reference documentation is available at the SonicWALL Technical Documentation
Online Library:
For basic and advanced deployment examples, refer to SonicOS Guides and SonicOS TechNotes available on the
Last updated: 11/14/2011
SonicOS Release Notes for the NSA 220/250M Series Appliances
P/N 232-000648-00 Rev A
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