Low Profile Universal TV Mount
32" to 65"
Installation Instructions
Fixed Flat Screen TV Wall Mount
Material: Cold Rolled Steel Plate
TV size: 32" - 65"
Max load capacity: 110 lbs / 50 kgs
Wall distance: 1.4" / 35 mm
Important: If you have difficulty following or understanding these installation instructions,
please consult a qualified installation specialist.
Hardware Kit
(x4) Bolt
(x4) Rectangular
(x4) Washer
(x4) Plastic anchor
(x4) M5x15
(x4) Spacer
(x4) M5x30
(x4) M6x30
(x4) M8x30
(x4) M8x15
(x4) M6x15
(x1) Bubble level
Important: The Low Profile Universal TV Mount - 32" to 65" is shipped with the proper
installation hardware and parts. Make sure that none of the items are missing or damaged
before starting the installation. If there are any missing and/or damaged parts, please stop the
installation and contact your place of purchase.
Tools Required
Electronic stud finder for wood stud installation
Phillips head screw driver
Socket and/or wrench set
Electric drill, 3/16" (5mm) drill bit for wood stud installation, 3/8" (10mm) masonry drill
bit for concrete/brick wall installation
Step 1: Wall Plate Installation
A) Wood Stud Installation
NOTE: For secure wood stud mounting, the wall plate must be mounted to two studs at least
16" apart.
1. Use a high quality electronic stud finder
(commercially available) to locate dead center
of two adjacent wood studs and mark the
location with an awl or pencil (figure 1-a).
2. Attach the Bubble level to the wall plate and
with the help of an assistant ensure the wall
plate is level, position the wall plate against the
wall in the desired mounting location
(figure 1-b).
3. Mark the right (upper and lower) and the left
(upper and lower) positions of the small
horizontal slots that are in alignment with the
wood studs.
4. You should mark four positions total. Take
down the wall plate.
5. Next, pre-drill a 3/16" hole to a depth of 3" in the wood stud at each marked location
(figure 1-c).
6. Position the wall plate against the wall and line up the mounting slots with the drilled
holes. Check the bubble level to verify that the wall plate is level.
7. For each location, insert Bolt (A) and Washer (C) into the wall (figure 1-d).
8. Tighten each bolt with an open ended wrench or socket wrench by turning clockwise
until tight.
CAUTION: Do not over tighten the bolts - doing so may cause unnecessary damage to the
wall. Avoid excessive torque.
CAUTION: Do not release the wall plate until it is properly mounted and secured to the wall.
B) Concrete / Brick Wall Installation
Note: The Plastic Anchors must be used for concrete and brick wall installation.
Attach the Bubble level to the wall plate, with
the help of an assistant place the wall plate into
position against the wall, using the bubble
level to ensure it is level (figure 1-e).
Mark four holes to be used for securing the
mount, and place the wall plate aside. Locate
the holes directly into the concrete or brick,
never into the mortar between the blocks.
Drill holes using an electric drill and 3/8" masonry drill bit to a depth of 2" at the
positions you marked.
Insert a Plastic Anchor (B) into each hole (figure 1-f).
If necessary, a hammer can be used to lightly tap each Plastic Anchor into place so that
they are flush with the wall.
Once all of the Plastic Anchors are in place, move the wall plate back into position. Check
the bubble level to verify that the wall plate is level.
Insert Bolt (A) and Washer (C) into each Plastic Anchor (B) and tighten. Do not fully
tighten until all bolts are in place (figure 1-g).
Step 2: Display Bracket Installation
The installation kit includes screws of various diameters and lengths to ensure optimal
1. Place your TV screen down on a soft, flat surface, and locate the threaded mounting
points that are located on the back of the display.
2. Determine which screw (F/G/H/I/J/K) is of the correct length by carefully inserting a
straw or toothpick, and mark how deep the mounting point is.
3. According to the size of the display's hole, choose the corresponding screw and hole on
the Rectangular washer (D), then thread them in line (figure 2-a).
4. If your display has a curved back or recessed thread mounting point, place Spacer (E)
between the display bracket and display and then choose screw (F/G/H/I/J/K) to
match (figure 2-b).
Step 3: Final Installation and Adjustment
1. Hook the display bracket over the top of the wall plate (figure 3-a).
2. RotatetheboltatthebottomofthedisplaybrackettotightenandsecuretheTVtothewall
plate (figure 3-b).
Check the mounting screws every two months for tightness.
Technical Support and Warranty
Our online support database is updated daily with new drivers and solutions. Answers to your questions could
be just a few clicks away. You can also submit questions online and a technical support analysts will promptly
SIIG offers a 3-year manufacturer warranty with this product. This warranty covers the original purchaser and
guarantees the product to be free of any defects in materials or workmanship for three (3) years from the date of
purchase of the product.
SIIG will, at our discretion, repair or replace (with an identical product or product having similar features and
functionality) theproductifdefectiveinmaterialsorworkmanship. Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,
andyoumayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstatetostate. Pleaseseeourwebsiteformorewarrantydetails.
If you encounter any problems with this product, please follow the procedures below.
A) If it is within the store's return policy period, please return the product to the store where you purchased it.
B) Ifyourpurchasehaspassedthestore'sreturnpolicyperiod,pleasefollowthesestepstohavetheproductrepaired
to submit a request to SIIG RMA or fax a request to 510-657-5962. Your RMA request will be processed, if the
product is determined to be defective, an RMA number will be issued.
Step 2: After obtaining an RMA number, ship the product.
• Properlypacktheproductforshipping. Allsoftware, cable(s)andanyotheraccessoriesthatcamewiththe
original package must be included.
• ClearlywriteyourRMAnumberonthetopofthereturnedpackage. SIIGwillrefusetoacceptanyshipping
package, andwillnotberesponsibleforaproductreturnedwithoutanRMAnumberpostedontheoutside
of the shipping carton.
• You are responsible for the cost of shipping to SIIG. Ship the product to the following address:
SIIG, Inc.
6078 Stewart Avenue
Fremont, CA 94538-3152, USA
• SIIG will ship the repaired or replaced product via Ground in the U.S. and International Economy outside
of the U.S. at no cost to the customer.
About SIIG, Inc.
systems and external peripherals. SIIG continues to grow by adding A/V and Digital Signage connectivity
solutionstoourextensiveportfolio. AllcenteredaroundthedistributionandswitchingofA/VsignalsoverCAT5/
6, these products include matrix switches, distribution amplifiers, extenders, converters, splitters, cabling, and
economicalandcompetitiveprices. High-qualitycontrolstandardsareevidentbyoneofthelowestdefectivereturn
ratesintheindustry. Ourproductsoffercomprehensiveusermanuals,user-friendlyfeatures,andmostproducts
are backed by a lifetime warranty.
SIIG products can be found in many computer retail stores, mail order catalogs, and e-commerce sites in the
Americas, as well as through major distributors, system integrators, and VARs.
Low Profile Universal TV Mount - 32" to 65"
LowProfileUniversalTVMount-32"to65"isatrademarkofSIIG,Inc. SIIGandtheSIIGlogoareregisteredtrademarks
ofSIIG,Inc. Allothernamesusedinthispublicationareforidentificationonlyandmaybetrademarksoftheirrespective
March, 2015
Copyright © 2015 by SIIG, Inc. All rights reserved.
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